Speaker Insights

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Enjoy and share service management insights from some of our speakers:

So, What's the Deal with VeriSM?  (Doug Tedder)

DevOps and the T-Shaped ITSM Professional (Donna Knapp and Jayne Groll)

Continual Service Improvement is NOT a Service Lifecycle Stage (Ken Wendle)

DevOps and ITSM: Why Are We Arguing? (Roy Atkinson)

Use Scorecards to Build Your Service Management Roadmap (Bill Payne)

What Is Your Service Desk Data Telling You? (Peter McGarahan)

The User Experience of a Pig (Dani Renaud)

New Technology Does Not Always Equal Success (Patricia Blackstaffe)

Turbocharge Your Metrics with Benchmarking! (Jeff Rumburg)

FAQs: What’s Wrong with Our Knowledge Base? (Julie Mohr)

The Lost Art of Process Design (David Mainville)

The Power of the Strategic Framework (Doug Tedder)

Moving Beyond Legacy Support Systems (Peter Zeinoun)

Create Dashboards with Your Audience in Mind (Phyllis Drucker)

How to Do Change Management Right: The Process (Anthony Orr)

Got Issues? These Problem Management Trailblazers Have Answers (Jim Bolton)

AI, Automation, and the IT Service Desk (Stephen Mann)

Knowledge Management Strategy for the Enterprise (Phyllis Drucker)

Zero-Strategy: Disruption Through Reduction (Julie Mohr)

Skills & Capabilities Required of a 2020 ITSM Professional (sponsored by SysAid featuring SMW Speakers)

Transformation Agility (Patti Blackstaffe)

So, You Want to Write an SOP? (Doug Tedder)

Knowledge Management Is Not Optional (Pete McGarahan)